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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

6 Foods That Can Make White

n day-to- day lifestyle of the beautiful and handsome face is a desire of every human being . Especially for women , has a white face , a clean , soft , smooth and bright is damban every woman .
But to make your skin as it is not so easy , but not too hard . Its obviously a very influential from the food you consume every day . This is according to experts of Miami Dermatology Leslie Baumann , MD , which is taken from Prevention.com . According to good nutrition is the basis or foundation for healthy skin . Therefore you need to know what foods are beneficial to skin health .
Here below are some foods that can help make your skin clean white according to Leslie Baumann , MD :
1 . tomatoes
Research results showed that participants with eating tomatoes as much as five teaspoons of lycopene-rich tomato paste every day for three months had 25 % more protection against sun exposure . In addition , tomatoes are also foods that can make the skin have more kolegen to prevent sagging skin .

2 . strawberries
According Segelasnya strawberries are 130 % vitamin C , which is a strong substance to increase spending kolegen fiber . Kolegen itself serves to help keep the skin soft and stable . The more vitamin C is consumed , the more little lines that appear on the skin

3 . Salat leaves

Every six leaves prayers will contain 100% of vitamin A. Vitamin A serves to rejuvenate the skin by increasing cell turnover. In addition, prayer leaves also contain potassium which can add to the substance of the skin and increase the absorption of oxygen by improving the blood flow.

4. eggs

Eggs contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin substance, which serves to prevent skin damage from ultraviolet rays. In addition, the eggs can also make the skin softer, tense and damp.

5. Epal

Epal fruit skin contains a lot of Quercetin, Antioxsida which serves to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays that can make skin kanser enactment.

6. Soya

Soya is a food rich in Avon Soya common Isofl called with aglycone like tempeh. A study says that twitch skin smooth and tension will increase when women over the age of 30 to 40 years. Therefore, multiply the consumption of soy every day.

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