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Friday, April 11, 2014

How To Choose A Weight Loss Hypnotherapist

By Anita Ortega

Losing weight is a big business. Millions are spent every year on exercise machines, dietary supplements and so forth. The problem is that often people give up on the diet an the machine gathers dust in the attic. In order to avoid this a better approach is to change how you look at your fitness approach and a weight loss hypnotherapist can help you to achieve this.

In simple terms your fitness goals are not solely based on what you do physically. It is often the mental approach that can have an effect too. For example you may stop off at a coffee shop for a coffee and doughnut because that is part of your daily routine. This helps you to relax because you condition your mind to prepare for this part of your day.

A lot of the problems with people going on a diet is that they are not sustainable. Often people focus on a specific goal. They may want to get fit ready for a vacation they always wanted to go on or to look good for their wedding. In the short term they will be able to achieve this because they are motivated to reach their target.

The problem is that this inevitably results in people trying to use shortcuts. A lot of diets tell people that there are certain foods that they are not allowed to eat or that they have to starve themselves for a certain time. Inevitably this deprivation can have a number of negative effects.

Another trick is to gradually add more positive behaviour into your daily routine. This can be simple as using the stairs rather than the elevator or taking a bike to work rather than a short car journey. Even something as simple as getting off at an earlier stop on the bus and walking a bit further can make a difference in the long term.

Unfortunately a lot of the time it is more the loss of motivation rather than the diet or exercise that is at fault. Therefore a better approach is to change your mental perspective in the long term. Often these psychological traps can be in our minds for long periods of time. For example a lot of people may go for drinks after work and consider their glass of beer or wine as a reward for a hard day of work.

What a professional hypnotherapist will do is get their patient to remove certain associations. For example they may often turn to cakes because they remember their mother baking them and making it for them when they felt sad. Therefore there is a subconscious association that this comfort food is linked with that memory. With hypnotherapy it is possible to disassociate the two things and get people to recognise that the cake is only personal to them because they have given the food that symbolic comfort value.

In short therapy to help you lose weight is not necessarily about deprivation. Indeed if anything deprivation will result in more problems in the longer term as it means food and drink you are not supposed to eat or drink become more tempting. It is more about creating ways of improving your behaviour and losing weight in the long term. Look online for more information and to find therapists in the Eastchester NY local area.

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