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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Stages To Look At To Enable You Select Good Ohio DUI Lawyers

By Anita Ortega

There are several driving under the influence attorneys practicing in Ohio. Identifying the good ones can be of a problem for those who are not in a position to know how to go about making the choice. There are certain stages which one should consider to ensure that the one they chose is a good one. This article considers some of the stages one should look at to enable them select good Ohio DUI lawyers.

The first step is to create list of all the DUI attorneys practicing within Ohio. You need to come up with a list of attorneys first before even subjecting the list to scrutiny to enable you to identify the good ones. Some of the places you should consider when complying the list may include the various directories on attorneys and law firms. You can also inquire from those who surrounds you like you friends and colleagues to refer you to an attorney they know off.

The other step is to come up with profiles of the attorneys already identified. You will only be able to scrutinize good attorney after knowing their profiles. Therefore you must ensure that you search for the various profiles of the lawyers in your list. Some of the places to consider may be the various social medias. These social medias will also give you a lot of information regarding the profiles of the attorneys.

After compiling the different profiles of the next step is to conduct the scrutiny. The following are the elements to consider when scrutinizing the different attorneys. The first one is their experience. Experience is an important factor which one should consider to enable them identifies a good attorney.

The other issue to use in the scrutiny is level of education. You should also arrange the attorneys in the list in order of their education. Those with higher level of education should come first in the list as opposed to those with lower level of education. This will enable you to easily locate those with masters degree and above as compared to those with only bachelor degree. Those with higher level of education should be given more preference.

The other factor to consider is the area of practice. Not all lawyers can effectively handle a matter relating to driving under influence. It is therefore advisable that one should only go for those lawyers who have specialized in brain injury issues. Therefore you should scrutinize the list and ensure that only specialized attorneys in the area of law which you are interested in are the ones who have been left from your list.

The reputation and track record of the attorney is equally an important issue to use in scrutinizing them. You must ensure that the lawyers remaining in the list are those who have good reputation and the ones who have had a good track record. Those with bad track record are likely to mess up your case.

The other important element to consider is the legal fee the attorney is charging. One can easily use the fees the attorney is charging to rate their competency. Most of the attorneys who are charging reasonable fees are likely to be competent attorneys. On the other hand those who are charging low fees are likely to be incompetent attorneys. This is because those who are charging low fees are doing so in order to lure more people to seek their services yet they are not competent. Those who are competent do not have to lower their fee to attract people.

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