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Sunday, May 11, 2014

If Arrested In Riverside Bail Bonds Can Help To Secure A Quick Release

By Essie Osborn

Being arrested must be one of the most stressful things any person can have the misfortune of experiencing. It is not only hardened criminals that are arrested. Many ordinary people find themselves in trouble. They may have had one drink too many, or they may have ignored a court order. These and many other circumstances can lead to an arrest. Luckily, for those living in Riverside bail bonds are relatively easy to arrange.

The law regards every accused as innocent until guilt is proven. For this reason, and because the justice system is almost always backlogged, arrested people are often released until their cases can be heard in a court of law. As soon as possible after the arrest, the accused is brought in front of a judge in order to determine whether he can be released.

Not every accused qualify for release after being arrested. The court must be reasonably confident that the accused will refrain from interfering in the case and that he will not flee from the justice system. IN most cases the accused is required to deposit a predetermined sum of cash to ensure that he will keep to the conditions of his release. If he breaks those conditions he loses the deposit.

Many accused are unable to meet the amount of the cash deposit required by the court. In such cases the services of a bondman can be extremely useful. A bondman specializes in advancing cash loans to people that must pay a deposit in court. The normally require their clients to sign a contract and to pledge all their assets as collateral. The client will also have to pay a transaction fee of approximately one tenth of the loan amount.

Failing to keep to the conditions of release imposed by the court is one of the most foolhardy things any accused can do. He will be placed into custody again where he will stay until the case is heard. He will also forfeit the deposit paid for the first release. If the bondman cannot be paid, the assets of the accused may be forfeit and auctioned to cover the loan.

Detractors of the system complain that the justice system releases criminals back into society where they just continue with their illegal activities. This is not the case. The prosecution may oppose a release if they feel that the arrested person is dangerous or that he will tamper with evidence or witnesses. In most cases those released adhere to the conditions of release and they appear for their cases to be heard.

It must also be kept in mind that the justice system simply does not have the resources to keep all arrested people incarcerated. It would be grossly unfair to keep somebody in custody for a long period of time when statistics show that a large percentage of cases result in a finding of not guilty. In many cases the district attorney decline to prosecute.

Being arrested can be very stressful. Most people expect to live their entire lives without interference from the justice system. Yet many ordinary people are arrested each year. However, the system is designed to be fair and anyone that is arrested has the right to be considered for release until the case can be brought to a court.

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